Caught up, now new rules


It took longer than expected, but I finally got my students' papers graded. All but the two submitted via email (still have to print them). It took longer for one main reason: I decided to take a nap first, rather than later.

I also took a break last night to see The Incredibles w/ Dan & Bay. If you've not yet seen Incredibles, you should go see it. It's another in the line of great Pixar films that'll appeal to both adults & kids. And it's actually a very good look at the superhero genre w/ some very stylish early 60s scifi design elements.

Unfortunately, we arrived a bit late, missing the trailer for the new Star Wars film. Yes, Episodes I & II didn't really hold up to the originals. And, yes, like everyone else, I'm sick of the über commercialization of the franchise into movies that seem more concerned w/ potential merchandizing tie-ins than story-telling. And, yes, the CGI just doesn't stand up to the rich detail of the earlier movies' set designs. But, yes, I'm still going to see the (hopefully) final installment. And, yes, I'll probably go opening night.

Meanwhile, the weather's turning from Indian Summer to brisk & chilly fall. Leaves are quickly disappearing from trees, and the sun only peeps out for a few hours a day. But somehow it's still warm enough for light jackets & scarves, even into the wee hours. Makes me wish I'd fixed the front tire on my 70s Schwinn Collegiate.

The rest of the month involves me wrapping up my semester, planning my Roman holiday, preparing for next semester, and writing at least one full chapter of my dissertation (hopefully, two). Which leads to new rules:

  1. No hanging out before 6pm on weekdays. Exceptions for food, limited to 45 minutes.
  2. No going to bed later than 1am on weekdays.
  3. No waking up later than 8am on weekdays.

Now I'll celebrate by breaking Rule 2 (I took a nap, after all) & reading this week's comics.

Posted by Miguel at 01:06 AM


now i want to see if you actually follow these new rules...

Posted by: sam at November 14, 2004 11:14 PM