Random thoughts (blah, blah, blah)


Stumbled upon an interesting little Flash site dedicated to Colorstrology, which uses 12 colors instead of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac (Greek) or 12 animals of the years (Chinese) to tell you something about yourself. Interesting. Because I certainly don't want to drape myself in cayenne (April). And I don't enjoy spending time by the ocean (day 7). Then again, what does Pantone know about me?

I'm not so sure a class should be held at a public café. And not because everyone orders fancy, labor-intensive drinks w/o tipping. I just feel uncomfortable sitting across the bar, having a conversation w/ someone, while a professor listens to a student's plea for more time on a paper.

Walking through downtown Kalamazoo on a Friday afternoon is pretty nice. You can shop for used sweaters at Polly & Esther's, buy a new Moleskine notebook from Athena Book Shop, get a funny taco from the Taco Bob window, deposit some checks at your new bank, and stop at the Michigan News Agency to pick up new issues of MacAddict & Reason on the way home. All in a brilliant, crisp, sunny day.

I've also decided that I'm going back to corduroys, rather than jeans. I used to not own a single pair of jeans, only corduroys. Ever since my favorite pair of jeans (Alpha, sigh) died, I've just not found a decent replacement. Maybe it's for the best.

I wonder if I'm developing allergies to cats. That would be miserable, since I can't very well kick Annie & Sophie out. And since they're used to sleeping piled up on top of me, it's a problem. I try to sweep up their cat hair, and wash my sheets every weekend. But it seems like minutes later, poosh!, a hair factory exploded in my apartment.

In good news: the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) accepted my paper proposal for the 2005 Chicago conference. Woo! Hoo! Who doesn't like to stay at the Palmer House Hilton? Now I need to be sure the paper's written by mid-January (or soon after). Certainly a good excuse to buy my own copy of STATA. Since. You know. I get to run lots of OLS regressions.

A little secret about how conference papers work: You write the abstract before you write the actual paper. Here's hoping my OLS results confirm my research hypothesis!

Posted by Miguel at 04:04 PM


"I'm not so sure a class should be held at a public café."

Is it a philosophy class by chance? A WMU philosophy class more specifically?


Posted by: Joshu at November 12, 2004 08:30 PM

Congrats. Which group were you put in? N.

Posted by: Nenad at November 13, 2004 07:38 AM

Developing allergies to your cats... waoh... that would be ironic.

I'm somewhat allergic to pets, and when i moved to the former place with the dog and cat, i had running nose and tearing eyes for a week or so. But after that, it seemed like the body adjused to the white hairs flying around.

If it gets bad, there're always shots.

Posted by: Stephanie at November 13, 2004 03:47 PM

My paper's scheduled for the 6-1 panel, Latin American Politics Section. No other details yet.

Posted by: Miguel [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 13, 2004 04:47 PM

Congrats - that's very cool! The Palmer House is lovely. Enjoy.

Posted by: cat at November 15, 2004 08:41 AM