Albion Thanksgiving


Sam picked me up and, after last-minute trip to Meijer (neither of us had a peeler for the yuca), we headed to Albion for Thanksgiving.

I-94 was crushingly slow, so I talked Sam into taking county roads south to M-66, to link up w/ M-60. He was opposed at first, calculating the additional 20 miles on 55 mph roads. How fast are we going now, Sam? The odometer read 7 mph, and the question was settled. After a bit of dead-reckoning driving south of Battle Creek, we found M-66 & headed towards Albion. A smooth 60 mph most of the way on clear roads, through quaint little villages & towns like Homer & Athens & Tekonsha.

Finally arrived, after a quick tour of the college campus where Sam now works. Albion (the college) is small & quaint, but has the third oldest observatory in the US. Albion (the town) is small & quaint, w/ red brick downtown & five locally owned restaurants.

We're waiting for mom & dad, then we eat, then dad wants to go see Alexander (ouch, lots of bad reviews). Now, I've to go help peel yuca. Enjoy your Turkey Day!

UPDATE: Went to see The Incredibles, instead. Everyone loved it. We also called Andy, who's in DC.

Posted by Miguel at 02:25 PM


I miss driving around michigan. Specifically the drive from Kalamazoo to the Houghton. Of course I am idealizing it, but I do miss stopping at the small mom&pop gas stations that I stop at every time. Getting slightly lost at the same places. I never thought I would miss driving 600miles through holiday traffic.
Once when I94 was backed up for more than a mile, I happened upon Leslie (fromt he 4th Coast) who was stuck in traffic in the car next to me.

Posted by: caleb larsen [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 26, 2004 01:38 PM