

Overslept, stumbling out of bed at 9:30. Feed the cats, shower, dress, out the door by 10:15. Bought a Rocket Star thermos, filled it w/ coffee, and headed to the office.

Needed to pick up my class lists, copies of my syllabi, and prepare for a brief intro to today's 2pm Critical Thinking (105) class. Mostly, I wanted to at least set up a rough website for the class. The Latin American Politics (345) class website's already up. So. Scramble, scramble, scramble. W/ a half-hour chat w/ Melanie, back from her holiday in Germany, somewhere in between.

Then up to the library to make sure my 345 course reserve books were in. Their computer's system's been down for about a week. But I'm in a hurry; not time for a "WTF?!" regarding our campus' deteriorating IT situation.

Then, rush back to Dunbar Hall. Treo buzzes in my pocket, so I check my email as I walk in the January drizzle. It's Melanie. The semester starts at 4pm, she writes. Meaning? I don't teach today at all.

And it suddenly dawns on me. Why was the campus so deserted as I walked around it? Why was there no din of students rushing about looking for classrooms? Why did I only see three other people from my walk between Waldo Library & Friedmann Hall?

Twelve years of college can really adle the brain.

Posted by Miguel at 04:26 PM


You're having that Japanese girl moments, lol? N.

Posted by: Nenad at January 3, 2005 05:23 PM

What's a Treo? Is it like a Blackberry phone-thing?

Posted by: tom at January 3, 2005 07:38 PM

hahahaha, i did that once, only i sat inside the clasroom waiting for the other students to walk in :)

Posted by: blogsurfmama at January 3, 2005 10:42 PM