
Holy crap. This'll be the busiest semester I've had in years. And I mean years. Like back when I started grad school & I had no social life. Well, a few of my cohort went out for pints at The Roadhouse on Thursday nights. But that was it. This semester's gonna be like that.

I'm teaching two courses, w/ a combined 100+ students. And I'm sitting in on a course. And I'm applying for dissertation writing grants. And I've to finish my election data OLS regressions by the end of next month to have them ready for my conference paper. All the while trying to reach my target 10 pages of dissertation writing per week.

I've to figure out how to squeeze all the time I possibly can out of my days. That means:

  1. Waking up no later than 8am every day.
  2. Working on campus until 5pm every day.
  3. This includes Saturday & Sunday.

So if you don't see me or hear from me, I'm not ignoring you deliberately. Well, I am, but not maliciously. I've already staked out a few hiding spots around campus, and I'm not telling where they are. I will, however, make myself available to "have a life" in the evenings (7-11pm) — unless I fall behind.

And to add a bit of stress. There's a whirlwind of bad rumors swirling around La Paz.

Posted by Miguel at 11:05 PM


Waking up no later than 8am every day

...pobrecito. Try 5:30am every day. :-)

Posted by: j.scott barnard at January 6, 2005 02:54 PM