It's freezing out there


Have I turned into a wuss? After almost two years w/o "winter" (because anything other than Michigan winter doesn't really count), I'm bowled over by the cold. It's not gone over 10 degrees today. That's well, well below freezing. The 12 mph lake-effect winds freeze all exposed skin after minutes outside. And, of course, I'm now on my third sick since mid-December. I've decided to go to Tylenol Flu, rather than Day/NyQuil cocktails. What a miserable feeling.

I hope to be in my warm bed, tucked away for the night, sometime before 8pm. W/ serious consideration to just canceling my 105 class. Maybe even having a proctor administer Thursday's 345 quiz? I probably won't; I'll end up dragging myself out of bed to watch a dozen students fall asleep in front of me. But one can dream, non?

Some interesting non-Bolivia news: the first guilty verdict in the UN-sponsored oil-for-food scandal just came down in a plea bargain. The New York Times apparently never heard of Iraqi bloggers until some days ago, but assumes they must be CIA plants — even names them publicly, so anyone who, you know, wants to, can find them back in Iraq. Of course, Jeff Jarvis is pissed. And the first black female Secretary of State nominee is facing an all-white panel of senators on Capitol Hill.

UPDATE: Bay took me out to dinner & comics. Some Chinese chicken noodle soup later, and I've crawled into bed w/ my recently-delivered LOFR:ROTK at 7:30pm. I plan to sleep until 11am, when I'll decide whether I go to campus at all, or stay home in bed. And the temperature just hit below zero.

CORRECTION: Having been used to an all-white senate for so long, I didn't realize that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (which reviews Secretary of State nominees) actually has two non-white members: Barack Obama (D-Illinois) & Mel Martinez (R-Florida). Also, the committee voted to approve Rice 16-2 — the "no" votes were from John Kerry (payback, eh?) & Barbara Boxer (who was very, very snarky).

Posted by Miguel at 05:13 PM


Today was really the first day here in NYC that competes with the midwest in terms of cold. It was windy and bitter.
It made people cold and bitter in their attitudes. It made me smile. Of course, there's still no snow.
I remember back in October sometime... it had maybe dropped into the thirties and some cop came into the store exclaiming, "Damn it's cold." All I could think was, "Damn, NYC cops are wussies," but I didn't say it.

Posted by: e_prime at January 18, 2005 10:32 PM

You need to get your rest. The class will definatley understand. Your health comes before anything else. And, if you end up cancelling class, can you e-mail me so I don't show up?

Get Well Soon (not before wednesday)!

Posted by: John-Paul Lohrstorfer at January 18, 2005 10:43 PM

Yeah I hate the cold too and I would like to think I have gotten used to Michigan winters. And maybe it's because I am outside more, but lately the cold has just been hurting me. It took forever for my legs to get back up to normal body temperature walking from the BC parking structure to Sangren. I try to walk through as many buildings as possible now. Hope you get better soon.

Posted by: Kara at January 18, 2005 11:05 PM

I sympathize with you. As you know I was seriously sick at the same time you were enjoying yourself in Europe. But for me it was at least "easier" not having guilt-pressure dilemma of whether to cancel the class or not. Get well soon, N.

Posted by: Nenad at January 19, 2005 10:19 AM

"And the first black female Secretary of State nominee is facing an all-white panel of senators on Capitol Hill."


Posted by: j.scott barnard at January 19, 2005 11:02 AM

Do you need help administering the quiz?

Posted by: Melli at January 19, 2005 04:47 PM