Sunshine in January


It's currently a sunny & warm 9o F (-12o C) in Kalamazoo. Tomorrow might even hit 30o F (that's almost 0o C). This is what we call a January "heat wave". But there's still a good 3 feet of snow in the drifts.

Also, this was my last Sunday at Rocket Star. So now I'll have two days in a row I can sleep in, and use to catch up on work. Very nice.

Also, an eleventh-hour compromise might save Bolivia. The compromise (which isn't much of a compromise, since it's just a verbal agreement to do something promised months ago) is this: the national legislature will work on a law authorizing a national referendum on regional autonomies. Or so says Mario Cossío (MNR, Tarija), president of the lower house.

So it's truly a hopeful, sunny Sunday.

Posted by Miguel at 01:50 PM