Kafka would be so proud


Sometimes the insanity of bureaucracy astonishes me. Truly. I check my office mail today to find a hefty fine from the university library for replacement fees of two books I checked out last semester. Thing is, I not only checked the books back in, I placed them on 2-hour course reserve (for 345). I checked; the books are indeed on the shelf. Promises of "we'll take care of this" as I walk away. But. How did this happen in the first place? I mean. There is a computer database, right? They do track LOC catalog numbers & inventory & shelving, right?

I also got a mass email about an upcoming faculty union vote (I'm on the list, don't ask why). Of course the "no" vote (to terminate the union) will fail miserably. Because everyone knows poor, underpaid, university profs need a union very desperately to prevent "the man" from keeping this overly exploited section of the nation's proletariat down.

Bolivia News: Mesa, who can only make his mind up about changing his mind, agreed to let Santa Cruz (and other departments) elect their prefects (since Santa Cruz plans to do that, anyhow). But w/ elections (which I agree is good), rather than public "acclamations" (which I agree is not good). (Speaking of the Santa Cruz cabildo. I keep hearing it's Friday, where a crowd will "acclaim" a new prefect, but no word on who the candidate/s is/are.) In anticipation, the current (president-appointed) prefect, Carlos Hugo Molina (a nice guy, btw), resigned, washing his hands of the mess. Magically, Santa Cruz protest managed the impossible: Convince El Alto's FEJUVE & COR, gremialistas & cocaleros, the public university in La Paz (even UMSA?!), and others to demand Mesa stay in power until 2007.

All-night writing sessions next three days. That means: Sleeping from noon to mid-afternoon. Free after 6ish for time w/ friends. Writing from about midnight to early morning, then relaxing/eating/sleeping much of the morning. Just FYI.

The goal? Beyond the 6-page outline, finish the (estimated final length) 25-page Chapter 1 draft, and a 1-2 page outline of the structural/methodological changes (as yet another "brief intro") for my dissertation committee. All before Monday 2pm, when I head off to teach 105, then home at 4pm to (as the kids say) "crash".

Posted by Miguel at 04:34 PM


So, you're not going out with us this afternoon? N.

Posted by: Nenad at January 28, 2005 07:55 AM

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