Happy Birthday, Mom


Realized last night that I'm about the age Mom was when she taught me to read. I still remember those yellow I Am Sam & Matt the Bat books. Before I entered school, I could already read. In English. But I guess I was destined to enjoy books & libraries, w/ a live-in English teacher. Not to mention that I was named after her favorite Newberry award winner.

Shortly after we moved to Michigan, USA, Mom got a job at the public library. She'd bring home books for me to read. Sure, sometimes she brought home an odd choice (e.g. Clan of the Cavebear). But I certainly got a broad sample of authors.

Eventually our tastes diverged, as I turned into the typical smartaleck teenager who's too cool to read the books his square mother recommends. But something funny happens as you get older, don't it? We now enjoy recommending books to each other again. And books are once again the most frequent special occasion gift.

I don't know if it's me getting older (and, subsequently, less hip). Or if teaching public middle school English made her hipper. But I'll just say she's got pretty good taste in books. Her students are lucky.

(Oh, she also taught me to love The Carpenters. People wonder why I like 'em. That's why.)

Posted by Miguel at 01:23 PM


What's wrong with the Carpenters, I like Karen's voice. It's a kind of soft and soothing voice.

Posted by: MB at January 28, 2005 04:51 PM

Oh, I like The Carpenters quite a bit. but many people don't. Mostly, I think, because they were raised by hippies. I thank God I wasn't.

Posted by: Miguel [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 28, 2005 05:28 PM

I happen to like Carpenters. Shouldn't one judge singers on the quality of the voice rather than the manner of their upbrining?

Posted by: Stephnaie at January 29, 2005 01:51 AM

Oh, The Carpenters weren't raised by hippies (since I think you thought that's what I meant). Rather, most people raised by hippies, grew up listening to groups other than The Carpenters.

I'm really happy I wasn't raised by hippies. Not because of the kind of music my parents exposed me to. But because not having a hippie upbringing meant I got to avoid one of two extremes:

A) Watching my parents "sell out" their ideals as they got older (because, let's face it, hippie ideals just aren't realistic/practical in a world inhabited by real humans as opposed to imaginary bipeds).

B) Watching my parents stick to their guns, lead miserable existences as they turned bitter & cynical about politics, living only to rehash the memories of what life was like when they were in their 20s, what might have been, etc., leaving the children to raise the parents, while fending for themselves.

Instead, I got to grow up w/ parents who had realistic ideals & goals, were able to fulfill them, and lead happy lives as consequence. Meaning I've also got a great example to look forward to the possibility of a happy life based on pragmatic, realistic objectives & goals.

Posted by: Miguel [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 29, 2005 02:31 AM

Oh, and my parents also taught me that it is possible to lead a happy, adventurous, fullfilled live w/o having to "experiment" w/ drugs. Or finding other ways to "expand one's consciousness". Or other similar crap.

Posted by: Miguel [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 29, 2005 02:35 AM

I misunderstood then. Oops. = )

Posted by: Stephanie at January 30, 2005 10:46 AM