SOTU (they're all the same)


I'm not gonna post my reaction to Dubya's SOTU. Mostly because, on the whole, no one should really care about it. It's just the pre-game peptalk. Who cares what you want to do. The important thing is what you can or can't deliver. Because Congress isn't Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny.

Besides, I've never known a president who gave a SOTU (State of the Union) w/ a twist: "You know what? We give way to much attention to education in this country. I promise to you today, that I'll be the president who spends least attention on education." Every president says platitudes. Let me show you a standard SOTU (in summary form):

"Thanks. America is doing great. But it could be better. And I'm gonna do my part, Congress should, too. We should make education better (even though it's still great). We should make health care better (even though it's still great). We should create more jobs (because ours workers are the best in the world). We should strengthen our military (even though ours is still the best). We should make the environment safer (even though we already do). I also wanna give a 'shout out' to my peeps in the balcony. Stand up. Isn't he/she/they something? Give it up for him/her/they. Now here's my pet project for the next year (insert 4-5 paragraphs here w/ semi-vague plan wrapped in language about family/charity/right-thing-to-do). It's really important (I know I didn't tell you about it during the campaign, but I like surprises, don't you?). But it needs bipartisan support. And here's the obligatory controversial issue for everyone (we probably won't go anywhere w/ it, but I learned it's always good to add dramatic tension to a speech). Other than that, we're doing OK. I'll make sure we keep doing OK. God bless America. See ya' in 365. Peace out."

This is of course inevitably followed by The Opposition's rebuttal:

"We also want to be bipartisan. But the president's solutions aren't as good as our solutions (although we didn't present them during the campaign, either, this makes for great dramatic tension, don't you agree?). Our solutions are better because we love God, babies, America, freedom, and moral values more than The President does. Plus, he talked too much about this issue, and not enough about that one (see, he's not as in touch w/ the American people as we are). And don't forget, we've got a great set of new & improved candidates for you coming up next season. So be on the look out for that. Booyah! Oh, and God bless America."

So I've spent a few hours in bed, Kaneda on my lap, Annie & Sophie napping at the foot of the bed, catching up on some work. Now it's off to feed the girls, shower, and head out for campus. A perfect sunny day to talk about the Caribbean.

Posted by Miguel at 11:21 AM


That was pretty good, you should be a political speechwriter.

I think the main reason the media loves the SOTU address has a lot more to do with the Academy Awards than the politics of the day. I only watched the pre-game coverage and it really reminded me of those unfortunate moments when I've watched the red carpet of the Oscars. SOTU is all about showcasing the stars in the government.

As you said the speech doesn't really matter because no president ever says anything really groundbreaking. The recent exception to that was the SOTU immediately after 9-11--that's probably one of the few important ones in the country's history. Despite Bush's unfortunate rhetoric, it did show the world and more importantly Americans that their government was still doing its thing even after being attacked.

Posted by: Patrick [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 3, 2005 01:03 PM

Sorry, I beg to differ. I think the SOTU speech is important because it outlines what the president will intend to do over the next four years. It shows, what will be his agenda and it sets debates all over the nation. This is a way in which he will influence what he "can" do.

Posted by: MB at February 3, 2005 03:30 PM

Of course I think the SOTU is "important". But just not as important as it could be. They're so formulaic. Yeah, it spells out the president's agenda. But we tend to forget that law-making power in the US really rests in the legislature, not the presidency. All he really said was: "Please, Congress, this is my wishlist."

I take the post Pearl Harbor & post 9/11 SOTUs as indicative. Neither FDR nor W said: "Holy crap, did we get the snot kicked out of us. We gotta roll, son!" Both speeches were, "Hey, things aren't so bad. Now let's go get e'm, Tiger!"

And I like Patrick's point about the red carpet. SOTU events tend to focus on: what the first lady's wearing or tons of of "Ooh! Here's Senator, let's see if he claps loud. Oh! Oh! No he didn't, no he didn't (w/ a snap your head side-to-side attitude)." Then we pay attention to who he hugs/kisses/shakes hands w/ on his way in. Last night there was lots of "Did you notice the president kiss Lieberman on the cheeck? Looks like some bipartisanship going on there, if you know what I mean!"

Posted by: Miguel [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 3, 2005 03:52 PM

I agree w/Miguel. Don't think the SOTU is that important. The presidential agenda is fairly clear, particularly w/regard to THIS president.

Posted by: tom at February 3, 2005 06:19 PM

Love this post. It's hilarious. Keep it up Miguel.

Posted by: Stephanie at February 4, 2005 01:05 AM

The power of making laws depends on the dynamics of the distribution of power in DC. For example, this president has a lot of power to make law. Granted that only congress can make law, Mr Bush is a very powerful President. He has his party well in his grip. Perhaps he is not as powerful as to pass a constitutional amendment, but to make law, he has enogh strength. So, with a powerful president, the agenda he outlines in the SOTU, will have far more relevance than with a weak president.

Posted by: MB at February 4, 2005 07:58 AM

sure its important, a good place to let him stick his foot in his mouth so the press can have a fun time all year..they need fresh meat this time of the year ;)

Posted by: blogsurfmama at February 4, 2005 01:17 PM