I'm gonna go w/ my gut, instead


This'll be a long two days, as I rush to finish my dissertation completion fellowship application (due Tuesday, 5pm). It's almost done, but there's always a touch more here/there to go. And since I can, I'm waiting until after Tuesday's 345 ends, at 4pm, to walk it up to the Grad College.

Tonight I'm finishing up grading for 105, preparing the lecture/discussion, then starting on the 345 lecture to get that all out of the way.

Met up w/ Bay to see The Motorcycle Diaries, which we both enjoyed, especially since there was a good number of Che-wannabes dressed up (w/ red star berets) for the occasion. The movie's a pretty even-handed (and only slightly hammed-up) version of Che's first major adventure. Well worth seeing.

It's also really cute to see fans come out dressed up like their movie heroes, whether its Spiderman, or Luke Skywalker, or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or Che Guevara. And the couple in front of us? Adorable in their nauseousness. The guy was so excited when young Che throws a rock at the mining boss' truck (as it drives away, of course) & yells an expletive (yeah, that'll show 'em). Either way, it illicited a fist-in-the-air "right on!" from the boy & a smiling nod from his dread-locked gal.

But you've to admit, Gael García Bernal makes a valiant effort to hide his thick Guadalajara accent to attempt a lilting porteño dialect. Though no real Argentine (certainly no porteño) can go five words w/o saying "che".

Then off to Meijer, where we gave each other dating advice. I've decided to throw the Dan/Emily playbook out the window. I don't think they've given me bad advice. Just bad advice, for me. I'm not good at "aloof"; I'm better at "charming" (or attempting it, at least). If it fails, it fails; but there'll be certainty. First thing? Learn how to ask someone for their email address (I've zero phone conversation skills). Bay & I realized neither of us know the protocol for this.

Winter made a brief return today, w/ noon snow flurries, that became sleet, that became stinging rain, that tonight'll become black ice.

Also, I've (finally!) posted a new weekly iMix, in time for V-day.

Posted by Miguel at 09:14 PM


One: yeah seeing people dressed up for movies is cute. Unless they are over the age of eight dressed up in a skin tight Spider-man outfit. And proceed to crawl up our sign claiming they really are Spider-man. Or when you have a whole group of LOTR-looking people come at while in the concession stand. Those situations are freaky, not cute.

Two: if you want a date find people who seem to like your ethnicity. I've had way too many guys this year hit on me and tell me how much they love Asian women. This is also starting to get kind of irratating though, so it can be a double edged sword.

Posted by: Kara at February 13, 2005 11:00 PM

I doubt the movie will make it to the little Albion City Bohm Movie theater... but you never know.

Posted by: sam at February 14, 2005 12:46 AM

This movie will be released on DVD tomorrow. N.

Posted by: Nenad at February 14, 2005 07:23 AM

I got the movie from Netflix today. Yay, gonna see this weekend. N.

Posted by: Nenad at February 15, 2005 04:40 PM

Went to see the Che movie when it was here in Saginaw. Very small crowd for a pretty good film. I think it only stayed one weekend. In case you're interested we also saw recently the movie Million Dollar Baby - not what I expected - just went along for the ride, but it was really quite thought provoking. I think I'd like to see it again. ENjoyed it thoroughly. Also enjoyed the film The Aviator, not sure how accurate it was. And a must see for all educators is Coach Carter. So you see, I do get out a bit. Keep plugging away at your writing.

Posted by: beverly at February 15, 2005 09:30 PM