Happy Valentine's Day


A very happy Valentine's Day to all the couples I know (and to all my single friends, too). You know who you are.

To those who're currently single (like me): Don't "boycott" the holiday or anything rash. Be happy for your coupled friends, wish them long, happy relationships filled w/ bliss. Because happiness, after all, isn't a zero-sum commodity. Like all higher values (e.g. wealth), love constantly increases in abundance, if you let it.

As for me, being too busy (and too single) to do otherwise, I'll spend the day (when not wrapping up my grant application) w/ some of my loves: almond & honey chai at the Rocket Star, Annie & Sophie, pasta w/ spicy peanut sauce & tofu, and, of course, Battlestar Galactica.

ADDENDUM: I don't mean to imply that "love" is merely a "commodity". Rather, that, like most values, love is a product of one's labor. It's not something that magically "happens". Love is a conscious, deliberate, rational choice. When you make that choice, it implies certain duties & responsibilities. And when those duties & responsibilities are mutually upheld between two people, the value of that love can only increase over time. Hence, like wealth, love can consistently increase (w/ no material limit) as the product of personal labor. And that, in brief, is my theory of love.

Posted by Miguel at 05:48 PM


Happy valentine to you!

Other than getting some sms wishes from some friends, I was too busy at the library and checking up the grad schools and stuff.

Posted by: Stephanie at February 14, 2005 10:37 PM

Oh, there was Valentine's Day? oops! N.

Posted by: Nenad at February 15, 2005 07:45 AM