Winter's back


I知 starring out my office window, watching the snow swirl about between Friedmann & Moore Halls. It痴 that thick, billowy snow made up from small snowflakes that link up together, like tiny little sprites holding hands to dance about the grey sky. As much snow痴 going up, into the air, as down, into the a soft landing on the pavement. I知 just glad I wore my parka again.

Think I値l pass the time playing w/ STATA for a bit. But I知 not working. No, I refuse to admit I知 working. Or I値l just read the 345 text. Just for fun, of course. Not. Working. Sigh.

Someday, the weather値l turn to a glorious spring, which is better than mid-summer anytime. Walking will be at its pleasantest, and it値l still be sweater & scarf (but not coat) weather. It値l be evening bike rides and afternoon moped sprints. It値l be so nice, that going to the library or the office will be an excuse to fire up Lucia or The Motron.

Until then, I keep my nose down, trudge ahead through papers waiting until April. But spring break痴 around the corner — and my wonderlust is starting to kick in. Delaware? Boston? New York? All three?

Posted by Miguel at 04:39 PM


I think the best weather is when it's just warm enough to start wearing my skirts and sandals. And definately not windy enough so I have that Marilyn Monroe effect going on.

Why Delaware? I understand New York or Boston, but Delaware seems different. If I had money I wouldn't mind traveling over spring break. New Orleans sounds good right about now. Not too hot and no stupid girls flashing everyone because Mardi Gras is over.

Posted by: Kara at February 16, 2005 06:59 PM

My little brother lives in Delaware. My friend J. Edmund lives in Boston. And a few old friends live in NYC. Plus, you know, NYC's the capital of the world.

Posted by: Miguel [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 16, 2005 07:03 PM