

Just got back in from Chicago. Were I had the honor to meet Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada (Goni), Bolivia's former president — the one that was ousted while I was doing my fieldwork. He gave a small talk to a group of University of Chicago (he's an alumn) graduate students (plus me), followed by a larger talk to a wider audience. I'll post more later.

But this was a remarkably highlight for me. Goni's one of the main reasons (in college I admired his 1993-97 reformist government) I decided to study Bolivian politics (w/ hopes of someday "doing" Bolivian politics); and one of the main reasons I'll never go into Bolivian politics (because it seems Bolivia only wants populist caudillos, not liberal statesmen). Here was a man who grew up in exile, his first language was English, but went back to Bolivia to work for a country he loved. And for all his remarkable accomplishments & effort? He was thrown out unceremoniously, w/ some of the vilest accusations leveled against him. He's not perfect (he admitted his own mistakes quite candidly), but he didn't deserve that. My general animosity towards all most things paceño started on 17 October.

It was nice, though, that most (certainly all the ones I saw speak to him) Bolivian in attendance were supportive. It was especially nice to hear a young Aymara student stand up and publicly thank Goni for the 1994 educational reforms that strengthened indigenous-language education. At least not all memories are artificially short.

Sadly, I left my camera on the kitchen counter, and had to make do w/ my near-worthless phone camera. But I did get an autograph, I got to ask him a few questions, I'll call him later this week for more, and I thanked him for his work. If he ever runs for office again, he still has my vote.

Posted by Miguel at 12:15 PM


That is so cool bro. I wish I could meet him. I don't follow much Bolivian Politics (except for what I read here) and it seems like he always tried to do what was best for our country. Not just for his little group like all the people trying to run our country now. Did anyone else take better pictures?

Posted by: sam at April 19, 2005 02:28 PM

Yeah, I was trying to be professional & not overly giddy to meet one of my great heroes. Other people there did take pictures, but not of Goni & me. I feel like such a tool forgetting my camera. Doh!

And you're right, even the over-the-top PC anthro grad students were impressed at how charismatic, liberal (clearly center-left), and passionate he was about his hope & optimism for Bolivia (although he, like many, fears its disintegration). But, like he himself said later that night: It's almost impossible to convince someone who just gets a slogan in their head.

Posted by: Miguel [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 19, 2005 02:52 PM

Please write more about his talk. I think Goni is incredibly smart, but fell victim to the need to play politics (handing out pegas to the coalition), which most likely was left to Sanchez Berzain. What mistakes did he admit to?

Posted by: eduardo at April 20, 2005 01:49 PM

Hey, I met him too. I had dinner with him while in Rio. He is a nice guy. Very amiable. I also got a photo with him, which is how we got to the dinner in the first place.
that's cool.

Posted by: MB at April 20, 2005 05:13 PM