Monday (night)


So I'm mostly moved into The Parkmont. Mostly. There's a few things still left at the old place, including a very large painting by Caleb Larsen that'll require a truck to move (I forgot it the day a truck was used). I should have cable installed tomorrow before noon. And then it's just the sporadic process of organizing things into little drawers, bookcases, and such.

Speaking of which. I'm trying to develop a system to organize all the books I've from Bolivia. Since the've no LOC numbers, I'm developing an abbreviated (numberless) parallel system based on the LOC guidelines. So far, I think I can just limit myself to simply labeling items as:

F - History
HD - Industries, Land Use, Labor
J - Legislative & Executive Papers (Laws)
JC - Political Theory
JL - Political Institutions
JS - Municipal & Local Government

The plan's just to put little color coded stickers on all the spines, to help keep them organized that way. But most of the books fall under JL, so I'd like to break that up a bit. Anyhow, I'll keep working on it.

Good news is my cats adjusted quickly to the change, and seem pleased w/ their new digs.

Also re-watched last week's episode of The Shield. And now I'm doubly excited about tomorrow night's episode. All season, Vic tried digging himself outa the whole he made last three seasons (he gave up being a crooked cop, tried to become a good cop). But he found a third option. Cop by day, street vigilante by night. Farmington's discovered its dark knight.

Posted by Miguel at 11:20 PM


omigod! Miguel! i see a gramatical error in your paragraph about the Shield.

sorry... just a first... and i thought i'd point it out before the grammar nazi's come a'callin'.


see you in june.

Posted by: e_prime at May 3, 2005 05:15 PM

Huh? Grammar? I do have a loose interpretation of grammar. Mainly. Because. Um. I enjoy Strunk & White so much. ;-)

Posted by: Miguel [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 3, 2005 11:38 PM