It's deja vu all over again


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Almost two years ago now, a legitimately elected Bolivian president was toppled over protests involving many things, but focusing on the issue of natural gas. Among the signal flashpoints? The taking of hostages by a group of protesters; attempts to rescue them resulted in bloodshed (after a military convoy was ambushed) that sparked a mass uprising around the capital city.

Today? The new government of then-vice president Carlos Mesa is hoping to rescue hostages taken by camouflage-wearing members of MST (Movimiento Sin Tierra). This time, however, pictures of the hostages show they've been beaten & abused, not just housed in the local school (as was the case nearly two years ago). The 600 hostage-takers recently entered the Yuquises area last Sunday; the hostages are the land's workers.

Because Mesa's constantly refused to use police or military force to restore public order (his words), people are left wondering who (if anyone) will rescue the 63 hostages. But this happened in Santa Cruz, so there's already talk of cruceño groups taking the matter into their own hands. Coupled w/ the recent deadline (expires tomorrow) for either de jure or de facto regional autonomy, this spells disaster.

Mesa's solution? Go on TV & lecture the country on why he vetoed the long-delayed hydrocarbons law.

Posted by Miguel at 12:57 PM