Upcoming schedule


I've spent much of the week just puttering about the apartment, getting things in order. I tend to work that way, so I don't feel too slackerish. I've also been thinking about how to schedule my time to make it both productive & interesting this coming year.

Basically, the remainder of May's devoted to my dissertation's Chapter 4, which is the shortest chapter (aprox 20-25 pages), devoted to the transition to democracy (w/ some pre-history) & analysis of the 1985 election. So I've two weeks to write a solid draft of that, starting Monday.

The plan's to work 9-5 every weekday, w/ few exceptions. Mornings devoted to a brief breakfast, then a trip out to Waldo Library. This'll be research (most of it, I'll bring w/ me) & prep time (outlining, writing notes in paper notebooks). Then a quick lunch at Rocket Star (packed sandwich). Followed by an afternoon of writing in my office. The goal's to write no less than two full pages (roughly 5-6 paragraphs) per day. I can leave any time after (but not before) I finish two full pages .

I won't check email, blogs, or answer my phone during that time. Of course, if I finish my work quota before 5pm, I'm free to stop. Or keep working, if I'm on a roll.

The point's to make daily progress w/o burning out. My dissertation should be about 300 pages when finished; at this pace I should hit that sometime by end of 2005.

Exception to the rule: Wednesday is New Comics Day, and I'll take that afternoon off by writing in the morning. But I can't get comics until I write at least two pages. Wednesday afternoon is also make-a-nice-meal day. If you're one of my comics reading friends, you're welcome over Wednesday afternoon for a meal (please RSVP first).

I don't work at all on Sunday; Saturday mornings dedicated to editing & catching up (either on prep or sleep time, but not on writing), as well as basic housekeeping early afternoon.

This entire schedule, of course, is subject to changes due to life (or something like it).

Finally, I'm also devoting myself to improving my homemaker skills. Each month, I'll work on learning some new skill. The next two weeks: baking (not cakes, meals).

Posted by Miguel at 10:36 PM


"...life (or something like it)"

I would say "something like it" is the closest thing I'm getting in Spore.

Posted by: Stephanie at May 14, 2005 02:21 AM

baking like casseroles or bread or whole chickens? Let me know if you have any questions.

Posted by: vanessa Sly at May 14, 2005 09:50 AM

Oh, mostly casseroles & such, not whole chickens or turkeys (yet). And I'll certainly let you know if I've any questions. But if you want to pass along advice or recipes, that'd be great, too.

Posted by: Miguel [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 14, 2005 11:09 AM

I gave up on trying to schedule my time, cause "life" as you put it always gets in the way. but life is what makes being alive so great, so i don't complain and learned to stop making plans that extend much farther past the perceivable future. it works.

Posted by: sam at May 14, 2005 11:51 AM