(Yesterday was) a good day


My first Moped Army BBQ in more than a year starts this weekend. And BBQ11 promises to be the biggest ever. So I'm pretty excited about all that.

Also, dissertation progress. After struggling to squeeze 1932-1978 history into only a few pages, while continuously wanting to add more & more information, I finally hit upon a solution. So obvious, not sure how I missed it. Take all the stuff for the first half of Chapter 4, turn it into the bulk of Chapter 3. That is, instead of writing an abstract chapter on twentieth century Bolivian nationalism, write a more chronological structure, using the 1932-1978 history to tie together w/ examples how & what kind of nationalism emerged. Then, start Chapter 4 directly w/ 1978-1982 (transition to democracy), and go from there. Why didn't I see it before?

More importantly, after a long losing streak against Bill Brieger, I demolished him two chess matches in a row. Hurray for the Sicilian defense & long diagonals!

Posted by Miguel at 03:02 PM