Tiger Mk.II


Sometimes, university computing services pulls through. They had Tiger in stock; after $69 (plus tax) I was able to reset my user password (back to its original) and bring Kaneda back up.

Other times, university computing services just drops the ball. We're migrating to a new mail server. How are we doing this, you might ask? By telephone. Yes, ladies & gents: telephone. There's no online form to follow, or instructions on how to migrate form one server to the next. We have to call university computing services on the telephone (during normal business hours, of course) to have them set this for us. Manually. It's like we're back in the early 1990s. Oh, it'd be nice if the notification email told us what touchtone menus to select from.

Now I'm waiting for them to call me back w/ post-migration instructions. Because university computing services doesn't understand that most people have non-university accounts. I mean, I'd rather have typed, detailed instructions for new server settings than have to listen to them over the phone (and hoping I've something to write w/ handy when they call).

UPDATE: Mark is my hero! He found my Tiger disk!! Now. Does anyone want a copy of Tiger? Because I've two.

Posted by Miguel at 02:01 PM