An open letter to Democrats


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Mid-term elections are around the corner, so I'll soon be expected to vote for congress. Frankly, I like my representative (Fred Upton), so I'll probably just keep him. I'm pretty sure Debbie Stabenow will win reelection from my senate district; and I'm not sure if I'd even want to vote against her. Of course, by November 2006 I should (hopefully) be living & working not-in-Kalamazoo, and all bets are off.

So. Some advice from a might-be-supporter: Don't run as the anti-Bush party.

Why? Because Dubya's a lame duck; he can't run in 2008, will most likely be a non-issue in his party's 2006 mid-terms (since candidate will already start positioning themselves for 2008). So running against Bush in 2006 seems a waste of political capital. You can't get rid of him in 2006 anyway, and he'll leave regardless in 2008. Sorry you lost the 2004 election, but democracy means sometimes you lose an election. Time to lick wounds, learn from campaign strategy mistakes, and, well, move on (that's your slogan, right?).

Instead, I suggest the following: Don't run as the "terrorists' rights party" but rather as the "better way to do things" party. Focusing on Gitmo (especially when it's based on over-the-top Hitler-Stalin references) seems a losing strategy. First, because it makes it easier for the administration to paint future allegations of mistreatment as radical hysterics. Second, because there are other issues that can win more ground. I really don't think most Americans are concerned over wether a few terrorists are made to listen to rap music while someone improperly touches their government-issued Korans. Sorry, I just don't think it's a salient issue for a lot of people.

Instead, why not run as the party that will fight the war on terrorism better. That is, more effectively. So far most of what I hear is apologetics for alleged terrorists, why they hate us, and how we should be more sensitive. Screw that. I want to hear how we're going to win this war, how we're going to spread democracy in the region (and the world), how we're going to make sure that my family, friends, and neighbors are safe at night. Basically, stop telling me that we're losing the war on terror; start telling me how you plan to win it.

And while you're at it, tell me something about space research & exploration, racial discrimination, poverty, health care, tax reform, education reform, gender equity, and a host of other social issues that affect most people (that is, voters). Also, please stop bashing my religious beliefs (Christianity) while defending Muslim extremists' (e.g. whether a woman can, gasp!, touch a Koran). Either advocate religious tolerance for all, or the nothing-is-sacred même across the board. Because you risk losing me for a long time.

That is all. Thank you.

PS. Also, don't treat people like me as the brown vote, but as the vote vote. Because I'm not a one-dimensional stereotype.

Posted by Miguel at 06:16 PM