Red peppers & pine nuts


On a whim, I tossed some three cheese tortellini, but I wasn't sure what to add to it. So I took a chance, and made some roasted red pepper pesto. I had two roasted red pepper halves left; they'd soaked in olive oil & mixed peppercorns for about a week. So I just blended them up w/ some pine nuts. Surprisingly, it's not spicy, but mild. I recommend it. Sometimes, you just gotta take a chance.

Posted by Miguel at 02:22 AM


Most pesto has cheese in it, which creates a problem for one with a vegan girlfriend. But I'd never thought it could be made as simply as blending red pepper and pine nuts. Of course, the soaking takes a while, but it sounds good.

I probably should have looked up pesto recipes a while back. But this was a good reminder.

Posted by: Brian P at August 24, 2005 11:38 AM

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