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I've not yet posted about the hurricane. First I was busy, then I was tired of all the media hype that passes for coverage. But I'm thinking about where to send some donations to — most likely the American Red Cross. I've seen & heard a lot of anger & frustration, but also hope & perseverance. And, as a fanatical optimist who believes man is a heroic being, I'm confident New Orleans & the surrounding affected area will recover, and march on to bigger & better things.

In the meantime, of course, thousands of our fellow citizens need support. Before turning towards the media's favorite "who's to blame" game, I think we need to think about "what do we do now?" So. My challenge: For every criticism of the government, elected officials, or relief agencies you engage in, donate $1 to the relief efforts. It's too easy to complain after the fact; but hurricane victims don't want to hear critical analysis, they want help.

And if you think they're far away. Think again. There are now 147 Katrina survivors nearby, at Fort Custer.

Posted by Miguel at 05:11 PM


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