Odds & Ends


This week's been sprinkled w/ little surprises. Some good. I found a 1990 British five pence coin in a roll of dimes. Some not so good. My paper on Bolivia's electoral system was rejected by Comparative Political Studies — though I was encouraged by the editors to submit it to Electoral Studies (it goes out in the mail tomorrow).

And since I'm also prone to being scatterbrained, I often need saving. Big thanks to Andy for mailing me my suits. After my trip to Washington DC, I left them at my brother's apartments — and didn't notice until halfway between Wilmington & Kalamazoo. Ouch.

But the biggest news? I'm a car owner again. After giving up cars ten years ago, I started thinking about buying a car a few months ago. It meant changing some spending habits. Not owning a car is a slight inconvenience (though one gets used to it), but it also means all the car insurance, gas, payment/upkeep expenses can go to other things. No more.

Tomorrow I go back to Saginaw to pick 'er up. Fitting. What better place to get a 1994 GMC Sonoma than a GM town? Thanks to my dad who searched out my new pickup & called excitedly to ask if I'd like to buy it. Yes, yes, and yes. I'm really glad to own a pickup truck. It'll go great w/ my new belt buckle.

Posted by Miguel at 11:22 PM


Did your paper enter the review process? Or was it rejected before the review process? If the first was the case - what did reviewers have to say?

Posted by: Melli at September 21, 2005 05:16 AM


Welcome to the club, partner! We can go muddin', shoot off our handguns at cans, hunt some deer, and pick up some fine ladies!

Then we can hook chains up to our hitches and have a tug-o-war.

No, really congratulations. I call first ride when you get it back into town.

Posted by: jake at September 21, 2005 09:05 AM