Three candidates online


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Here's links to the websites of the three strongest contenders for Bolivian president (really, none of the other candidates is viable). Despite the off-again-on-again election, it's important to note that the candidates seem to be moving forward as if the elections were sure to happen.

Jorge ("Tuto") Quiroga's PODEMOS has their, which is nicely designed & full of informative links. Interestingly, he stands opposed to parliamentary election of the president, instead proposing a runoff election. Despite being well-designed, the site still lacks detailed content (especially a "program of government").

Evo Morales's MAS website ( is a bit clunkier, but has most of the same kind of information. Their statement of ideological principles is a marvel of old-school propaganda rhetoric.

Finally, Samuel Doria Medina's UN website ( is also a bit clunky, but has more detailed information. Including printable .pdf versions of its campaign booklet (32 pages). Of course, the party candidates also have matching blue & yellow track suits.

I'm not sure who the target audience is for a web campaign strategy in Bolivia. But all three candidates seem to be putting a lot of effort into this.

Posted by Miguel at 04:15 PM