What've I been up to lately?


Sorry for the infrequent updates. But I've not been doing much, really, besides rushing through a semi-final draft of Chapter 2 (a historical overview of Bolivia as "imagined community"). After nearly a month of writer's block, the last few days have really shaken things loose. I'm now averaging about 4-5 double-spaced pages a day. I'm excited.

It'll be the first nearly-finished chapter. Next is a substantial rewrite of Chapter 3 (an institutional overview of "parliamentarized presidentialism"). If all goes well, I should be able to spend most of November drafting/writing Chapter 4 (Bolivia from 1978-1993) and Chapter 5 (Bolivia from 1993-2002). Chapter 6 (the current Bolivian crisis up to the December elections) will come later (after the December elections, obviously). Sometime during all that (if I get a chance), I'll dust off the months-old draft of Chapter 1 & start a major rewrite of that. If I'm very, very lucky, I might beat my preliminary May deadline.

Other than that, let's see. Job search continues, the federal government thinks I graduated last spring & wants their student loans back, fall weather's making for chilly mornings, I've taken up wearing blazers on a daily basis, my friend Dave's out of the hospital & in a nursing home, I can't seem to access La Razón web archives (this is a most unfortunate predicament), Annie's feline acne seems healed, I'm enjoying the new season of The West Wing & its dream presidential campaign (if only real life gave us such two good candidates), and I got my Schwinn back. Also, I've been watching the first season of Battlestar Galactica (on DVD) w/ Josh Upson & the shows are as heart-pounding as they wear so many months ago.

Oh, and the Bolivian parliament STILL hasn't figured out what to do about that seat apportionment issue.

Posted by Miguel at 05:19 PM