
The worst part about writing a dissertation is those times when you've just finished a solid dozen pages, and realize that you don't really need any of it, that the whole thing should instead fit in a few paragraphs. Ouch. At least all the detail on Bolivian political parties can be used later, either in an appendix or spread out in later chapters (perhaps as various footnotes).

Other than that, life is going well. Winter seems on the verge of returning, but it's still in the high 30s. Annie's limping much less than before (and walking around more than she has in a while). So perhaps the vet was right & it was just a sprain. I'm also almost ready to file my taxes (and hoping for a sizable return).

Also, this weekend I took a brief visit to the ol' Saginaw homestead for Mom's birthday. As I get older, I appreciate more & more just how amazing my parents have been. I wish I'd noticed this a decade ago. And now they're getting ready to move back to Bolivia. I'll miss them, but I know they'll have a great retirement down there. Lord knows, they deserve it.

Oh, and Bolivia's new president has finished his first week in office lately. I wasn't a fan before, and he's certainly not won me over, but so far he looks to be taking a more measured & moderate approach than many of his critics feared. Let's hope it stays that way.

Posted by Miguel at 11:22 PM