Quick notes


Two brief notes. First, my friend Matt had an art show in Detroit (at Synergy Gallery). I couldn't go, but someone posted some pictures. As always, amazing.

Second, I attended an interesting talk this evening. The annual WMU Klein Lecture (on East-Central Europe) focused on Bosnia & the question: "Democracy without a Demos?" The lecturer was Robert Hayden, a political anthropologist. His talk was about how democratization can (sometimes) lead to the breakup of states if voters back candidates that emphasize ethnic/cultural cleavages. He also alluded to the toxic (my word, not his) European-Romantic form of nationalism that emphasizes the Nation as the natural civic unit. Good stuff. Even got to ask him about the comparison to Bolivia.

Posted by Miguel at 10:48 PM


interesting. will check his books out.

Posted by: steph at March 29, 2006 09:54 AM