The beautiful game


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There's a great article in National Geographic about soccer & the 2006 World Cup. If you've ever wondered why soccer's World Cup tourney's so powerful around the world, read the article. Note that qualifying for the once-every-four-years tournament (temporary?) halted a civil war in Ivory Coast. Yep, it's that powerful.

For sports fans, the best analogy I can think of is this. Take your interest in the NCAA basketball tournament, college football, the NFL, baseball, the NBA, and even some NHL. Take all that interest on a year-by-year, season-by-season basis. Now. Compress it into a one-month period. And know that you won't get another for the next four years. That's the FIFA World Cup.

UPDATE: I've posted a World Cup iCal calendar if anyone's interested. I'll update it as game play starts after 9 June.

Posted by Miguel at 04:34 PM


I read the cover about the soccer games,but i have to read the article. I'm only half way through the magazine. Nice picture!!! man that was a good photographer..haha i should take pictures for the wedding huh?

Posted by: saloumeh at May 25, 2006 09:34 PM

Ah, soccer/futbol/fussball is an art...

Thanks for the heads-up; FIFA hardly gets any coverage at all. Americans seem to prize their power sports - football, basketball, baseball - above elegance.

Posted by: tom at May 27, 2006 11:54 AM

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