BBQ12 postscript


Moped Army BBQ12 is over. Overall, it was a great time. Too bad The Motron wasn't ready to run. Worse, Lucia (my 1977 Bianchi Snark Eagle Deluxe) got a flat tire Sunday afternoon. But I was mostly interested in seeing old faces back — like Caleb & Marci, Annie, J. Edmund, Brian & Kelly, Ali, Simon & Meredith, Kathleen & Brett, and several others — in town again. So I had a good time w/ everyone. Despite my painful sunburn.

While I certainly don't entertain the idea of starting a new branch. I'm excited to plan a potential ride this fall w/ some of the people in Pittsburgh. I'd especially like to ride through Gettysburg.

Now it's back to finishing up the last few bits & pieces of my dissertation. And a game of basketball tonight.

On a related note: I want to plug the up-coming comic book written by J. Edmund & the crew at Monolith Comics.

Posted by Miguel at 11:53 AM


Let me know if you need any help moving and getting that desk off your hands.

Posted by: Kim at May 31, 2006 12:38 PM