Bolivian Politics Wiki


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I've recently started a Bolivian Politics wiki. It's nowhere near finished, of course. But I plan on slowly updating it over the next several months. At some point, I may open it to other contributors (though mostly limited to people in academia, I think).

In part, I found myself wishing that similar Wikipedia articles were better written and/or edited (there's too much "current events" emphasis). There are also several factual errors I've spotted in some artciles (I try to fix those when I see them), as well as some clear selection bias going on (e.g. the Goni article is devoted almost entirely to the guerra del gas w/o mention of some of his 1993-1997 reforms). Stuff like that. Figured I was better of making my own brief encyclopedia of Bolivian politics.

Anyhow, the site's hosted by, a wiki farm that uses the same wiki engine as Wikipedia. Let me know what you think.

Posted by Miguel at 08:26 PM


It's a good start. I am excited to see how it goes.

Posted by: Miguel (mabb) at July 26, 2006 03:57 AM

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