Bike to Lake Michigan


Our last few days in Chicago. We didn't get to do all the things we wanted to, or visit all the people we should've. But it's winding down now, ever so quickly. Most of our stuff's packed & ready, almost all the upcoming wedding events have been settled, and we're starting our last weekend before we're Pennsylvania bound. Yeah. It's exciting.

Today we went for a bike ride to picnic in Wicker Park. Then a ride to the Lake Michigan public beaches, past downtown, then back again. Probably 10 miles in city traffic. And I gotta say this for Chicago: The traffic here respects bikes. Not "tolerates" — "respects."

Tonight K8's parents are taking us out dinning at Italian Village. I'm sure there are much fancier, better places in the city. But. Italian Village is my favorite restaurant in Chicago. It just is. Since I've been living in Chicago these past weeks, I've been dying to eat there again. Tonight's the night.

Posted by Miguel at 04:39 PM


Miguel: Did you see this from El Deber? Thank Heavens for small miracles.
"El presidente Hugo Chávez canceló el viaje que tenía previsto realizar a Bolivia para participar el domingo en la instalación de la Asamblea Constituyente en la ciudad de Sucre, informó hoy una funcionaria del Ministerio de Comunicación venezolano (MINCI)

La funcionaria declinó comentar sobre los motivos de la cancelación del viaje de Chávez.

Principal aliado del presidente boliviano Evo Morales, Chávez fue el último presidente en cancelar su asistencia de los cinco que tenían previsto asistir (Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay, Perú y Venezuela) a la inauguración de la Asamblea Constituyente boliviana.

El presidente venezolano regresó el jueves de una gira de 15 días que abarcó a nueve países de cuatro continentes."

Posted by: Galloglass [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 4, 2006 10:11 PM

Oh the italian village - went there before and liked the food there. So I hope you enjoyed the food! Good luck with the move!

Posted by: Melli at August 5, 2006 05:01 AM

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