Brief Pennsylvania update (some Annie news)


We're almost moved in; just a few things left to get to. And I'm trying to get back into a writing routine. But. You know. Interruptions, interruptions, interruptions. But the finish line's in sight, it should be just a matter of time. But all my course prep work is done, the syllabi copies are sitting on my desk, I've got almost two weeks of lectures mapped out, and I've set up my next semester courses (just the titles, not much else). Still slowly catching up w/ email, blogs, news, and the rest of the internet. We hit a snag w/ our cable internet install at home (another one of those interruptions that ate up my whole morning). But soon.

As for Annie: I took her to the vet yesterday. She's not been eating much of anything, and had lost considerable weight (she's now down to a bit over 13 pounds). Turns out she had a temperature, and signs of a kidney infection. So back home she came w/ pills, special food, and saline injections to pump fluids back into her system. Since then, she seems to've improved. She's in isolation from the other cats, which I'm sure helps. Hopefully by Sunday she'll be feeling well (and strong) enough to be put back into general population.

OK. Back to writing about the Bolivian national imaginary.

Posted by Miguel at 12:49 PM


Wow! you sound right on track. What's the story with pictures, do I have to go to another site or something. I would love some pictures of your town, etc. Matt has some pictures on his LJ from our cross country trek, if you're interested (getting a digital camera is on my agenda for this week).

Posted by: bay at August 21, 2006 12:02 AM

Hola Miguel
Que bien que ya estes casi listo, tenes un gato? No me enviaste aun las fotos.

Posted by: David C. at August 22, 2006 05:53 PM