This is not good


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There's been questions brewing about Jorge Alvarado, the head of YPFB (the Bolivian state-owned oil & gas company). He was finally removed by Evo, replaced by a former subordinate (Carlos Ortiz Banzer), according to today's La Razón. Up to the last minute, Evo defended Alvarado against all accusations.

The "not good" part has to do w/ the fact that nearly all the whistleblowers w/in YPFB, those who confirmed the misconduct allegations against Alvarado, have also been sacked. Some of the allegations included questions about whether some of Alvarado's contracts violated Evo's nationalization decree. Apparently, he still defends him, calling his opponents "conspiring against the nationalization process."

Meanwhile, the Santa Cruz Asamblea de la Cruceñidad has began challenging the "totalitarian and exclusionary" nature of Evo's regime. They've publicly stated their intention to resist any effort by the central state to impose its will on the lowland department.

Posted by Miguel at 11:51 AM


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