Coms were down


My blog was down for a few days. Sorry about that. But I'm in Kalamazoo now, only a few hours away from my dissertation defense. It's already clear that I'll have to make some revisions to the draft. Though that's pretty normal, I do hope they're few in number. Or at least relatively painless.

But it's been a pretty hectic week. There was a documentary about Chile's human rights abuses under Pinochet, followed by a dinner & presentation the next night by the documentary maker. The next evening was an information session w/ students interested in Dickinson's Latin American Studies Certificate. So basically lots of activities on campus. I finally got to pack on Friday, before heading out Saturday morning for the three hour drive to Dulles airport.

Landed in Chicago. A whilrwind evening of drinks & dinner w/ K8's family, before catching a 7:50am train to Kalamazoo. Even if it's only a brief visit, it's a good one. Brunch at Food Dance, chess at Rocket Star, beer (Leinenkugel) at the University Roadhouse.

Now I'm up & awake, puttering around before I head up to campus. I need a quick trip to the library, then sit for a while & prepare for my two hour defense. An hour later, I'm off to the train station. It really is a snap trip.

Posted by Miguel at 09:35 AM


Good luck with the defense!

Posted by: Melli at October 16, 2006 12:10 PM

Estoy muy contento de que puedas preparar todo para tu defensa: Es la defensa de tu doctorado??
Te deseo lo mejor; cuando es?

Posted by: David C. at October 16, 2006 04:30 PM

I said it before and I'll say it again TWICE: YAHOO!!!YAHOO!!!

Posted by: MOM at October 16, 2006 10:53 PM

I would say you can relax a bit. You've been working on your diss for years, and if anybody knows more about your topic, is you. I more or less expect the "defense" of your diss is more of a formality that anything. Or have you heard of any cases where students did not get their PhDs?

Anyway, I wish you much success, and as they say...
Go get them tiger....! :-)

Three hours to Dulles? Why are you heading to Dulles? Isn't there a closer airport? Dulles sucks! You have to get there at least two hours before your flight. Going through all that security takes over an hour. If the trip to Dulles was three hours, you have to have left...half a day before your flight! (by day I mean when the sun is up).

Wheeeew! :-)

Well, once again success and lots of fun visiting your home town, K-zoo!

Posted by: miguel (mabb) at October 17, 2006 10:07 AM