

My Latin American politics students (24 of them) just handed in their 10-12 page papers. I've gotta get 'em graded before Friday, when my comparative politics students (68 of them) hand in their 8-10 page research papers. Why do I do this to myself? It'd be so easy to just "dumb down" the course. But I gotta get all that done, plus my course prep work, plus writing my syllabi for next semester, plus all the final wedding preparations. I just gotta keep on thinking that in less than two months I'll be Rome.

Posted by Miguel at 03:17 PM


you wrote, "Why do I do this to myself?" Because you are a REAL teacher, not just filling a position to get a paycheck! I know what it's like to sit at the dining room table reading papers for hours on end. It's not always much fun and I'm not sure every student benefitted from this labor, but I know those that really wanted to learn did. So, is it worth it?

Posted by: mom at November 12, 2006 09:32 PM

I guess that is one good thing about more than half my students never turning in their work, it cuts grading time in half. It's so frustrating with my students at times. When I ask for 5 sentences I get things like, "The paper is blue. I don't know. This is my last sentence and I'm done."

Posted by: Kara at November 13, 2006 10:46 PM