From the other side of the table


So. My political science department is hiring a new person to teach Middle East politics (it's a new position at the college). This is my first chance to see what the hiring process looks like "from the other side" (so to speak). And since I'll be back on the job market in a year, I'm taking the opportunity to learn how departments make these crucial decisions. It's certainly a learning experience. I'm also impressed that I (despite being a two-year contract replacement) actually get to vote on the candidates. How crazy is that?

Also, my papers (both of them) were approved for the April MPSA conference. So now I have to start writing both of them. But they're related, so it won't be bad. The first is on the switch from "parliamentarized presidentialism" to "pure presidentialism" in Bolivia since 2003 — and the possible implications. The second is an analysis of the 2006 constituent assembly election.

Posted by Miguel at 03:20 PM