I'll be back, I promise


I apologize for the light blogging. But I've been swamped w/ the end-of-the-semester workload. In addition to planning my courses for next semester, I'm also hoping to (finally!) make headway on the post-defense revisions to my dissertation. Fortunately, I've finished all three syllabi for next semester as of earlier this afternoon. Now I can concentrate on the dissertation revisions (since next week I'll be grading almost 100 final exams).

If you're interested in a peak at my courses next semester, here they are:

Introduction to Comparative Politics (POSC 150)
A substantially revamped version of the course I taught this semester, this time focusing much more on regime types, democratization, and electoral systems & party systems. From the syllabus, it looks like a lot of reading, but it's not any more than the students read this semester.

Heroes & Villains: Populism in Latin America (POSC 290)
A brand new course inspired by much of the online (and in press media) discussions about the "new left" in Latin American politics (including this recent exchange w/ Matt Shugart at Fruits & Votes). Should be fun.

Democracy and Its Discontents (POSC 390)
My first senior seminar. I taught a similar course a few years back at Western, but it wasn't a "senior seminar" so it had fewer readings. This time, I'm going to focus extensively on liberalism, socialism & communism, and fascism — and w/ a strong emphasis on their relationship to modern democratic theory. We're also going to watch several films (including some interesting Soviet animated propaganda from the 1930s-1950s).

In the meantime, I've been trying to keep up w/ the Bolivian political roller coaster. It's been intense. I've deliberately avoided writing about it because I wanted some time to write something more introspective, after I'd had time to think about what was going on — and since things change from day to day so rapidly, I've been worried about not having enough "distance" from events to really have a solid idea. But basically it's like "round X" of the will-they-or-won't-they-secede question going back almost two years now.

On the home front: K8 & I have enjoyed our first full week of blissfully married life. All the wonderful wedding gifts certainly help! And w/ our honeymoon coming up, I'm getting excited about some (relatively) quiet time traipsing through Italy & France (in part blogging is light because I've promised myself not to bring any work on my honeymoon — unlike the wedding weekend, when I did bring some Latin American politics work w/ me).

Oh, and as soon as I get some digital pictures of the wedding that I can post to Flickr, I'll rave all about them.

Posted by Miguel at 05:01 PM


Estare esperando por esas fotos, he podido ver algunas en el blog de sam, estubo muy divertida y bien bonita. Felicidades!
Espero que encontres ese tiempo para relajarte.

PD. Te cuento que el decano de mi facultad me ha invitado para el 2007 iniciarme en una catedra...
Me sorprendio bastante y me siento muy halagado.

Posted by: David C. at December 12, 2006 08:41 AM