Christmas 2004

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I tuaght her to jump in the snow.
I tuaght her to jump in the snow.


Walking far away with grandpa.
Walking far away with grandpa.

Playing with her cousin Courtney.
Playing with her cousin Courtney.


Proud grandparents.
Proud grandparents.
PlayDough time!
PlayDough time!

Lots of animals and a blue and red cake.
Lots of animals and a blue and red cake.


Tamara heading back to Chicago.
Tamara heading back to Chicago.


I told Novali my favorite color was blue... so she put a blue sticker on my laundry basket.
I told Novali my favorite color was blue... so she put a blue sticker on my laundry basket.

I'm gonna play with this puzzle... and its gonna be fun!
I'm gonna play with this puzzle... and its gonna be fun!


Making frosting for the gingerbreadman!
Making frosting for the gingerbreadman!

I tuaght her how to properly lick the frosting off the beaters.
I tuaght her how to properly lick the frosting off the beaters.


Her gingerbreadman!
Her gingerbreadman!
Sledding time.
Sledding time.

Riding down with Grandpa.
Riding down with Grandpa.


Making snow angels with papi.
Making snow angels with papi.
Areal view.
Areal view.
Playing with Valerie.
Playing with Valerie.

Teaching Valerie about shapes.
Teaching Valerie about shapes.


Last night she posed for pictures in her Christmas dress.
Last night she posed for pictures in her Christmas dress.

