Monday, April 11, 2005

Question about oil

A lot of people have forever blamed war in the middle east on oil. Especially since we have gone back into Iraq. Some argue that the main hidden reason we went back into Iraq was for oil. I know oil has played it's role in wars, but if we did go to Iraq mainly for it's oil wouldn't gas prices be going down now that we have occupied and have access to it's oil resources?


At 7:17 PM, Keith B said...

I heard Henry Rollins say something once about the price of gasoline and oil. He said, "People complain that it's such a rip off for a gallon of gas, but then they turn around and pay a dollar for a twenty ounce bottle of water. Water." When you look at it from that perspective, the price of gasoline doesn't sound so bad. It does leave some irritation toward companies like Coca-cola or Pepsi for what they're charging us.
As for why the prices haven't decreased yet, I don't think it makes a lot of sense for that to happen in the immediate future. It takes time to drill, refine, process, all that stuff. We have to build up the supply before prices actually drop. Somebody said that once drilling in Alaska starts, it'll take us ten years before we can even use that oil. So if the same goes for oil from other locations, it's just going to take time. Don't get me wrong, I think the prices are absurd and believe at least part of reason they're so high is greed. The fact that a lot of it is going toward the war is probably also a major factor. And I'm sure there are plenty of other reasons. But regardless of the reasons, I think it's just too soon to expect any change.


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