

The Cape
Vacation. I needed a vacation. So I am on vacation. Becky and I drove through the night on Wednesday after Bronco Bash. Let me recap the last few days.

Wednesday - Skipped class to go to Bronco Bash. I love Bronco Bash, I hate class. Easy choice. It was fun, all my chapter Brothers were there (we miss you Orlando, Steve and Alex) and some GVSU and UoM Brothers. It was fun, meet some new freshmen who might be SLB material, had a good time at the new house. Went for a nice walk in the new neighborhood, thanks.

Thursday - Then Becky and I rode out of Michigan at 1am. If you thought Canada was boring during the day, imagine riding through it at 3-4am. Boring. It redefined boring. They do not even have fun billboards to read while you travel. Just plain out Canadian boring. Almost more worthless then Ohio, almost.

The Cape is great. Despite getting poor customer service everywhere on the first day I stayed positive. Had a great meal with Becky's fam, and then caught up on sleep.

Friday - Becky's friend Anne showed up. She works in politics, I don't hold that against her, she is pretty cool. First things first, I needed a hair cut. I think I broke a world record. They dropped me off to get my hair cut and then went next door to get some coffee. The lady who cut my hair did so in about 30 seconds, I think it took longer for me to explain what I wanted then it took for her to cut it! I then paid, and walked to the coffee place. I got there before they even got their drinks! World record, where is Guiness or Ripley's when you need them. I could of been famous. By the way, the haircut looks great.

Then we shopped, of course I bought new shoes. Then off to Provincetown, enjoyed some New England culture, ate a huge sunday. Then went home and ate more fish at Becky's house. They sure eat a lot of fish here, people who like to eat dumb animals would love it out here. I could really get used to this life. As much as I love smart red meat, nothing beats scallops and salmon.

Saturday - Today we went to the beach. We drove right out on the beach, never done that before! It was sweet, let some air out of the Jeep's tires and drove it right out there. The weather was not the best, either way of course I am not tan, and I got sand in my eyes and down my shorts. The highlight of the day was using a handicap port-a-john, that thing was huge. I will be talking about that for years to come. I got some shells for Novali as well, I hope she likes them.

Tonight we go out again. Very different then Midwest out, no hoochie white pants (well there is always "that" girl), no shinny shirts, no cookie cutter looks, and no 44 oz beer pitchers. I do enjoy those things, but in modertion of course. Not saying the Cape is better, just different. Here it looked like a big Abercrombie ad. In Michigan the guys look like slobs at the bar cause they don't care, here they look like slobs and you can tell they tried hard to make it look like they did not try hard. My typical quote, "where's the logic in that?". The girls out here prefer old money to new money, and since I have no money, I felt all out of the loop. Plus I did not go to boarding school like the "special" people...

I got to run and shower now, going to use the outdoor shower. Kinda excited about that, totally new thing, kinda like the handicap port-a-john. Off to find all the places that the sand found. Hum... I will write more, and post pictures very soon.

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