

McFlurry and Pizza
Finally my shop got my car done! The seats are in, the suspension is installed, and I went to pick it up. I was all excited, glad to have my car back. So I went to Holland to get the car, paid Speedwise (one of my shops) and headed back to Allendale.

On the way back the brake light went on, never happened to me before. A few seconds later I lost pretty much all feeling in my brake peddle. I was able to drive it just slow enough to pull into a garage in Allendale.

They inspected the brakes, come to find out a hose got loose and fluid leaked. However, in the time it took for the brake light to come on, and me to find a garage to put it in, I ruined the master cylinder. So now I am facing a major repair to my brake system, and I have no car for the weekend. Normally I would not mind so much but this was my weekend to see Novali. It has been three weeks already, now it will have to be four since I can not make it.

It was a stressful day. I am tired from this long week, my car had to break down, I won't get to see Novali (unless by some miracle they get my car done tomorrow), I did not get caught up on work stuff, and I am just plain annoyed with school.

On the plus side, I got to eat a McFlurry today, those always cheer me up. I love McDonalds McFlurries with oreos. Yum yum, thanks Becky. Then Hermen took me for Chicago style pizza at this place in Grandville. Nice to have good friends around to fatten you up to try to make you feel better.

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