

New Phone!
For those that mocked me over my old school looking phone... I finally got a new one, and no I did not get the Kyocera 7135 I have been dreaming about for the last year. I want the Kyocera 7135. It is a phone, MP3 player, and Palm Pilot all in one! Does it get any better? I highly doubt it. So what is the catch?

The phone costs five hundred dollars. I do not have five hundred dollars to spend on a fancy phone. I wish I had that money to spend on a phone. Generally I would of been impulsive and just gotten the phone (I was on the Verizon website and was one click away from buying it!). Then I sat back, thought about it, and for once made the good financial decision to not get the phone. Yes, I am sad.

So now I need everyone to help cheer me up. Since I did not get the fancy phone that integrates my Palm Pilot and transfers my phone numbers... I need to manually enter all those numbers into my phone. That sucks. I started doing it last night, took me forever to get just 40 names in there. I have a ton more to go. So here is where you can help me, call me! This way I can just save your number in my phone. My number is the same, so just call me. Text me to so I can save you in my text area as well.


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