

This one time... at band camp...
This weekend has been a reminder as to why Becky and I became such good friends. Each night we have stayed up late, talking about why we are both over educated and undermotivated, the reason relationships are impossible, how far away Mexico is, the benefits of me going to Bolivia and never coming back, why neither of us have tangible goals anymore, and the status of my battle against this little cold sore on my mouth (as of this morning I am winning, even though I thought the tide had turned last night).

Those conversations make me thankful that the great cubicle gods made Becky and I neighbors. In all seriousness I would never have chosen Becky as a friend. From the outside she looks to me like the typical bougie New Englander.

Went to expensive boarding school, drives a Honda that was given to her, has a private school sticker on her car window, shops at Ann Taylor Loft, parents own land on Cape Cod, and has been to as many places as Marco Polo. But the Becky I got to know; her parents worked multiple jobs and slaved to pay for those boarding schools, her grandpa left her the Honda when he passed, went to private college to play sports, no excuse for Ann Taylor, dad after moving from Germany to the US worked hard to barely save enough to live but never be fully excepted on the Cape, and has traveled because of school opportunities or jobs. We actaully have a lot in common, but only on the inside, not the outside. Glad we got to know eachother.

The Konowicz family took me in, made me feel at home, and I want to thank them. Thank you. This afternoon Becky and I will hit the road back to Michigan. Here is a quicky recap on my last two days. The rest of this Blog will have less sap.

Saturday - We did not end up going out. Which was fine with me, we stayed in a discussed politics and education. It felt like I was in the Centellas house, except without my brothers to start a heated debate or my mother to ask us over and over again, "are you boys sure you don't want more coffee, it would only take a second." The Konowicz are so well traveled and educated that it made for great conversation. The fact that Anne works for the Democrats in NY added a lot to, felt like a more "official" political debate. We rented Frida, didn't watch it, Anne went to bed early, and then later the younger adults went to bed.

Sunday - Ran errands. I love running errands. I feel so useful. Went to the bookstore, to Best Buy (of course on a trip I get into upgrade recommendations for people, more RAM for Konowicz family computer), the mall to fix Anne's watches, and home to hit the beach again. We walked to the beach right near the house. A short 5 minute walk and I was staring at the ocean. The weather was great, sand was hot, the view was remarkable, and I sat there and read a car magazine (the new issue of Super Street was out).

Before we packed up to leave I started to once again to make fun of the ladies Cosmo magazine. My compliant with the magazine is on the dating tips. Seriously, a magazine, written for women, by women, about women, will never ever give you good dating or relationship tips. They had, "Fifty Ways to Keep Your Man Interested", and it was a joke. Each 20 word description I could boild down to 4 words, or cut it out completely cause it was crap. Here is a short excerp:

#20 - My girlfriend knew that I loved Christmas. So one year, a few weeks before xmas she snuck into my apartment, and decorated my bathroom with tinsel and christmas lights. (I parafrased this)

If some girl did that to me, I would call 911 and say I had a pyscho break into my house. End of relationship. What guy wants tinsel in his bathroom? Most guys so rarely clean their bathroom that I am sure that tinsel would still be around for many months. Secondly, what guy wants his girl all over his bathroom? Not me. Another:

#5 - Greet me at the end of the day with an article you clipped out of the paper for me, or a new candy bar I might like. I love knowing that you think about me when I am not around.

Honestly now... they were digging deep with this one. This is what a girl wants. A guy wants a fat steak on the dinner table when he gets home, that will show him you were thinking about him while he was gone. And all the other ones about leaving notes on pillows, and funny voicemail message, come on now. Girls want that, don't write a magazine about what girls want and disquish it as tips on how to keep a man. One more, okay two.

#33 - Worry about me. Whenever I talk to my girlfriend from my cell phone in the car, she reminds me to wear my seat belt.
#50 - MY fiancee sometimes wakes up earlier than I do and does my dishes or puts away my clothes, but she never mentions it when I get up. It's so cool that she does that stuff just to be good to me and not because she wants the credit.

My mom should be the only women telling me to buckle up. If I want a maid I will hire one. Stop reinforcing the male dominated society and telling women to pick up after us. When I ask you to help me with chores, that is different, if I don't ask you, don't touch my dishes or underwear in my room. And this never mention it thing... just seems like ammunition for the next fight. "Well I get up and pick up your dirty clothes... blah blah blah." Ladies, do not pick up after us. If we wanted that we would move back home and have mom do it, don't try to be my mom.

Enough about cosmo.

I might ad more later, maybe. Well at night then we ate like kings again. Great chicken Mrs. Konowicz! Then we watched Frida, too long, okay acting, decent historical references, Salma Heyek.

Enough about Frida.

Today - I got up early to Blog. Wanted to keep you all updated on my trip. Having breakfast/coffee with Becky, Anne and Elisa (Becky's friend with the Jeep at the beach). That should be nice, then relaxing a little before starting the drive home.

I am excited to go back, my birthday is soon. As usually I am not a big birthday person, generally I never even go out or do anything real special. I don't even know what I want from anyone.

Late idea. What about a theme blog, critquing Cosmo every month? Something to think about...

I got to run... need to iron my shirt. Adios.

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