

Homecoming GVSU
Friday night started the weekend with a bang. The annual Lip Sync was that night, and I had been looking forward to the Betas performing with Delta Zeta and Lambda Chi Alpha. The event was great and they took third. Hermen, Ramiro and Santiago did an awesome job with it and cracked me up. Good work Bros!

The weekend continued as Team PLP flew into action. Saturday morning was car time and Hermen and I had big plans for our rides. I wanted to fix my rear bumper gap, reroute my seat belts, put in my side marker lights, paint my wiper arms black, clean my car, and start ideas on how I would redo the trunk. Well most of that did not happen.

For the new readers, you might wonder what is Team PLP. It stands for Parking Lot Performance. This summer Hermen and I started to race my NX, and work on our cars more. We worked on cars in my parking lot, and we tried to make our cars (or truck) have better performance, in my parking lot. Generally anyone pulling into my old apartment would see parts in my parking spots, hoods popped open, and one of us wondering how we managed to make those huge divets in the concrete with my car ramps...

For the old readers, I am sure you know the antics of Team PLP all too well. Saturday morning Hermen and I worked on the cars. I rerouted my seat belts to go through my new seats (looks great!). I started the work of realigning my rear bumper better, after a trip to True Value to get some hardware, she is done. Not perfect, but looks much better. I still have not gotten my front side markers back in yet, soon.

Then we ran into some issues. Hermen had the idea that we should clean our engines. That means spraying some Simple Green, letting it set, and then hosing it off. Generally not a problem. It was a problem. Both of our cars did not want to run well afterwards. Sputtering, back firing, and just plain acting up. Why you might ask? We were not sure. It took forever for us to try and figure it out. On Hermen's truck it was the PCV fitting that was loose. His truck is running fine now. The NX, that is another story. It is at least driveable, but not running well.

Team PLP did not know what to do. I posted a thread on my SR20 Nissan Forum online. Some guys gave me some good ideas on what could of gone wrong. We figured out that water got in my spark plug wells. I got it mostly fixed, I will mess with it more tomorrow, hopefully I will be able to finish it before I got to be to work. Wish me luck.

The rest of the weekend was laid back. Saturday went to the football game, it was my first at GVSU. I am not a big fan of being outdoors, in the cold, watching a football game from a terrible location. I had a good time out there with Hermen and the gang. Even the two SagiNAW people (Andrea and her friend) who also decided to attend and sit with us rowdy guys. And for the record, old school Louie was the bomb. We need to get him back for good, screw that new muscle Louie, he can't dance.

Saturday night was the homecoming dance. Nothing special.

Sunday worked on the cars some more. Got my wipers painted. Helped Ramiro try to figure out why his heat does not work. And then we all (four guys in the duplex) went to the store, bought some steaks and potatoes, cooked and had dinner together. It felt like I was home and mom called us all to dinner. It was cool. We watched part of the Cubs game.

Now I am in my office at GVSU. Trying to work on a paper, but perfering to Blog. I better write this paper...

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