

Just doing my thing.
It has been a typical last few days. My car was at SpeedWise getting work done, and something went wrong; meaning I need to cough up more money, that I don't have, so comprises had to be made. So I am still riding on my cheap coils, and will have to wait until spring to get the money to buy the parts I need to install the better springs I bought. I hate spending money on a part, and then not being able to afford to get it put in properly. But the Nissan is drivable, looking good (despite the back bumper), and bringing me joy.

Last night the Betas and Gammas had a great program. They brought the independent film Urban Poet. It was great, based in a Puerto Rican neighborhood in Chicago (Humbolt Park), it spoke to the issues of stereotypes and methods of expression for Latin communities. We had a packed house, and the students who came loved the event and many stayed to talk afterwards with the director. I want to tell Ramiro, Lydia, Santiago and Melva that they did a great job! For information on the film visit: New Film Productions

Tomorrow, my younger Brother Andres is coming from Michigan State to visit. I think we are going to San Chez, this great Tapas place, and then hangout downtown. Awesome Spanish food, the best. It is just like Cafe Iberico the place I like to eat in Chicago.

This weekend will be nice and relaxing. I will get to chill and catch up on some things I have been putting off. Like putting away my laundry and cleaning my room.

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