

Winter Wonderland
No it is not. I like sweater weather, but not snow and cold. Being dressed in layers is just fun. You can be wearing your favorite funky t shirt under a conservative sweater to work and no one knows. It's fun. However driving in snow sucks, being cold stinks, and wet floors in the apartment are a slip-and-fall hazard. Either way I am back in the Michigan, drove the NX this morning for the first time in nearly four weeks and am using Max (my laptop) again. Lets recap my return home.

Wednesday - in a plane all day. Left for the airport at 6am, landed in Chicago at 8pm. Kinda long. I did meet Sean Paul (reggae star) in Miami, almost got arrested for taking his picture. Who knew taking pictures near the airport security area was a federal offense? After a nice 30 minute interogation I will be sure to never take my camera out near there again! Novali and Tamara were waiting for me when I got to the luggage area. Novali's huge mouth when she saw me made the long hours of plane time melt away and she ran to hug her papi. I am home.

Thursday - Novali and I played all day.

Friday - came to Michigan finally. My parents are in town staying at the luxurious Sleep Inn right here in lovely Allendale, MI. We ate at the Country Cupboard and I got mad punches on my punch card, very happy about that. Three bucks off here I come!

Today - I am about to run and get Andres from the bus station. He will chill with the family this afternoon. I will hand out some xmas gifts and I am sure my mom will get Novali in the pool of the hotel. Good ol' Centellas family fun. Minus Miguel who is still in Bolivia and Raquel who is taking care of her now one week old baby Valerie.

Within the next few days expect to see a full photo on-line tour of my trip to Bolivia, some new Novali photos, and hear about my hair falling out as I mad dash to try to get caught up on four weeks of being gone. Ah. I am home...

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