Thursday, July 24, 2003

It's getting bad

I only post once a week,... once a week, ... what happened. I used to be a regular blogger.... it's not that I don't have things to write about. I'm always talking and rambling on! Like today,... the debate is on... now this is a serious one. Do I get my haircut at the place across the street, or do I wait and go find a place after work... one of those lower costing (Cheap) places that the stylelist do not offer suggestions, ignore you ... and as soon as you leave you feel like they are all laughing at you. I swear they talk about me!.. ... wait was this SeinField episode... Nah.. ;)

Let's just sum it up. Becuase this is a serious topic to debate and I think a Pro/Con list will help.

- shoe shine included ... and trust me, my shoes are screaming for a shine!
- Head Message
- Aroma Therapy
- Shampoo and rinse
- Good Stylists that specialize in men's hair
- I hear that one of the Stylelist is cute and from Columbia! ;)
- Free shape-ups
- Everybody that gets a haircut from them comes out looking sauve

- It cost 30 dollars!!!! plus a tip, I'm sure!

Decisions, decisions.. ..

Monday, July 21, 2003

thought for food

I am sun burned, my face and shoulders are completely red. Wait, that is a lie. I have two distinct white squares around my eyes as well as two bold lines that run from my eyes to my ears. Yep, I'm a dork. I did not remove my sunglasses from my face. I really wanted to leave an outline of my thick framed, square lenses on my face. Who wouldn't? Ha ha , but at least I got my chance to go to the Ocean! Dewey beach Delaware. The water was great, the sun was hot and the beach was packed with people. I love the idea of being able to drive to the ocean under 2 hrs.

Well aside from looking like an idiot, today is going very well. Free lunch finished a report and I'm blogging, the one thing I always want to do on Mondays and usually don't get the chance. My packing has been going pretty good, I am almost out of my apartment. I will miss the "Village of Canterbury" apartments, aka "VOC" bka "da Villa" Ah, the small "Shot-gun" style apartment with the abnormally large bedroom and un spacious kitchen. It was fun while it lasted; the joys of single living are coming to an end. In a month I will be living with 3 of my frat. Bros in a college apartment. I am looking forward to such college apt. Necessities as:

1) PS2
2) messy bathrooms with a constant absence of TP
3) dirty kitchen and a continual food shortage
4) loud music and parties that disrupt studying
5) No parking

These are just some of the highlights!

Ha ha ha, but honestly I am looking forward to it. It's going to be great to be living with friends. See you all soon!

Monday, July 14, 2003

Ciao, adios, vaarwel ... almost

This seems to be my topic of chioce, but it is only becuase I have had such a great time and made so many good friends. To be honest, that is the one thing I never thought would happen while I was out here. I truly met a special group of friends and I am going to miss everyone of them very much. Marc, Karen, Tania, Angelica, Abe, Vince, Michelle, Dominique, Jess, Tony, Charlie and Josh ... thanks. It was a great run. I know I still have 3 weeks left, but I wanted to make sure I thanked everyone.

I wanted to post pictures of the "La Ley" concert, so know you can all see how close we really were.

Below is an awesome picture of Lyndonn and Heater's baby, Alyna Marie Torres, who is now a bit over 2 months old. She is so beautiful. Thanks Nancy, Zalal and Kelly for going to visit!

I went home for the 4th of July. Below is a picture of Novi and I playing in the sand. My brothers and I use to make sand castles all the time. We played games of throwing mudd bombs at our toy boats, trying to sink them.

Ah and this weekend.... this was great. Friday night.. Glam, and Brasils. We danced the night away, I ran into my friend Biata who really can dance. I learned a lot of new moves and I think my skills are comming along.

Saterday was one of the best nights in a long time. The whole was out and ready to take on the Philly night scene. We all met at Karen's for a quick Toast. Thank YOU everyone once again for the GoodBye card and present. I will put it to good use ... coffee, books, tea, music... what more could I ask for!

After Karen's we took off to Philly. Below is a picture of Abe, Marc and I. If you like stripes then we are the guys for you! Trust me, that wasn't planned. The rest of the night was nuts, plenty of dancing. It will definetly go down in history!

Friday, July 11, 2003

The days are winding down ...

Less then 30 days until I move back to Michigan.... I can't believe how fast my time has gone. When I first came here in jan., my idea of what I would do was completely different. I have some great memories, and I know that I still have plenty of time. But since I have already started to pack up, 30 days seems like nothing. Just thought I would write that! Pretty random

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Where have I been?

Well, that may not be too difficult of a question to answer. But it's more of what have I been doing. The last couple of weeks are really flying by. I wish I would've posted more because now it's harder to remember all the details. ... I'll try.

June 29th. .. a day that will live in infamy... "La Ley" came to Philly. If you are not a huge Latin Rock fan then this doesn't mean much.... but seriously, "La Lay" has got to be one of the best bands of our time... en espanol o English! They rocked the house! With maybe a little more than 200 fans, a about 10 Chilean flags, South Street was rocking to the solid sounds of lead singer Beto. I'll put up pictures soon ... :)

The following day, I decided to be an Idiot and attempt to open a can of Packed biscuits... you know, the ones that pop open when you unroll the tab on the side. Well,.. it didn't unroll! So I used a can opener, I pried the top open, and pop! The biscuits are FREE! The oven, was already preheated, the pan is buttery! Just take the biscuits out and place them on the pan. But NO! I was watching Seinfeld and while I was watching I pulled the metallic lid off .... I wanted to throw it like a Frisbee... and... and. rip! I pulled the lid off, ready to throw ... remember.. like a Frisbee... and then came the blood. I ripped the lid off... but I also sliced the lid down on my thumb and cut all the WAY DOWN TO THE WHITE FLESH!!! Surprisingly, it didn't hurt. but the blood sure did start to poor. .... so I called my friend to drive me to the hospital,.. Turned off the stove, grabbed my insurance card and went to the hospital and got 5 stitches and a delightful tetanus shot.

...... oh yea.... since I was still craving buttery biscuits, the first thing I did when I got home was fire up the stove and open up another can. This time safely....

Ok, gotta get back to work....

Friday, July 04, 2003

Healing hand

Well my hand is getting better. I gave myself 5 stitches in a supid cooking accident. Ask me the details if you want, and if you've already heard then.. STOP LAUGHING! :)

Anywho, I', back in saginaw visiting my parents. The whole family is here, except for Miguel.. :( It's been a great couple of days. Lots of steak and rice to eat, it wouldn't be a day in the centellas household without a good triple serving of red meet! Excellent weather for bumming around, I do make the occasional workout of jumping into the pool ;)

Well, I'm super tired, and it's still a bit hard to write. Be back tomorrow... to post more. CiaO!

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

long time no post

It as been a while since I posted, I will write something soon. Time has been flying and I am also injured.. so typing is slow and difficult. But do not worry, Andres is ok and alive. Michigan here I come!