Sunday, April 18, 2004

Greek Week

Today was the end of Greek Week, which actually lasted about a month. This was the first year we could participate. The 4th Greek Independent Council teamed up with two 0ther Houses. It's funny that the all the Multicultural Greeks in numbers = 1 normal size Fraternity. :) Oh well, it was fun , and since we have 8 new Neos, it was easy to participate.

Today is the begining of crunch time. 3 weeks til the end of the semester. 2 major projects 3 major papers and 6 finals and then ... I walk ... :) Now, I still think walking will not be all that important... esp. since I still have 15 credits to take in the summer! It's like going to a buffet ... I'm really hungry .... I haven't eatin .... but I can only look ..

Oh well, it's still a major step in the direction of finally finishing my undergrad years! This summer is going to be pretty awesome ... Vegas with the guys ... Road trip with Saloumeh to help find me a home in the big D. Grandparents coming to visit from Bolivia... and oh yes ... my super brown tan I will get from laying outside .... in my parents pool. Now, if I could just train the cats to bring me food and drinks ... I'd be all set. :)

Saturday, April 10, 2004


I'm in the computer lab today, working on a paper since my internet isn't working at home ... it's funny... if the internet is down I feel like my computer isn't worth using! :) Anywho, I'm listening to my Pacha CD (A Bolivian Group). It reminds me of my father... which today turns one year older! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Also, the 7th was Miguel's and today is alos Novi's Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALL! :) I really miss you all.